Climate Data
In our climate section, you'll find an easy-to-read overview of the best times to visit various destinations. The data, based on the average of the last 20 years, includes reliable insights on temperatures (both maximum and minimum) and precipitation. This allows you to quickly assess the most favorable period to plan your trip and make the most of your travel experience.
Fuerteventura & Lanzarote
The climate chart for Lanzarote and Fuerteventura provides a detailed snapshot of the average weather conditions in these Canary Islands over the past 20 years. The line graphs display the monthly average minimum and maximum temperatures, revealing a stable and mild climate. Minimum temperatures vary from 14°C in January and February to 22°C in August, while maximum temperatures peak at 29°C in August and September, remaining above 21°C throughout the year.
The bar graph illustrates average monthly precipitation, underscoring the arid climate of these islands. Rainfall is minimal, with nearly no precipitation during the summer months (as low as 0mm in June and July) and modest increases during the winter, reaching up to 15mm in January and December. This consistently warm and dry weather makes Lanzarote and Fuerteventura ideal destinations for year-round tourism, particularly for those seeking sun and outdoor activities.
The climate chart for Andalusia captures the region's diverse weather patterns, based on data from the past 20 years. The line graphs demonstrate the monthly average minimum and maximum temperatures, showcasing a marked seasonal variation. Minimum temperatures range from 5°C in January to 20°C in July and August, while maximum temperatures soar to 35°C in the summer, particularly in July and August, and drop to 15°C during the mild winter months.
The bar graph highlights the Mediterranean climate's precipitation trends, with wet winters and dry summers. Rainfall reaches its lowest point in July, with nearly no precipitation (1mm), and peaks at 60mm in January and December. This data is particularly valuable for planning visits, as it emphasizes the region's suitability for summer beach holidays and autumn or spring cultural explorations when the weather is more temperate and rainfall is limited.
Sierra Nevada
The climate chart for Sierra Nevada provides a comprehensive view of the average weather conditions in this mountain range in southern Spain over the past 20 years. The line graphs display the monthly average minimum and maximum temperatures, revealing a noticeable contrast between cold winters and warmer summers. Minimum temperatures vary from -2°C in January to 13°C in July and August, while maximum temperatures reach 27°C in July and August before dipping to 6°C in January.
The bar graph highlights the monthly average precipitation, emphasizing Sierra Nevada's alpine climate. The winter months are significantly wetter, with precipitation levels peaking at 100mm in January and December, while the summer months (June to August) are relatively dry, with only a small amount of rainfall. This seasonal climate pattern, with snowy winters and warm summers, makes Sierra Nevada an ideal destination for both winter sports enthusiasts and those looking to explore its natural beauty during the warmer months.